General What is the fear of dogs called? — General Trivia Published 1 year ago on September 16, 2023 By Mike Peck 0% What is the fear of dogs called? 1 / 5 What is the fear of dogs called? Canidaphobia Ailurophobia Ichthyophobia Cynophobia Next Question Wrong! Correct! Cynophobia is the fear of dogs. 2 / 5 What vitamin does a spider web contain? D K B12 C Next Question Wrong! Correct! In the past, spider webs were used in medicine as bandages – this is because they contain vitamin K which helps in blood clotting. In the South Pacific, spider webs are used as fishing nets. Fishermen make a wooden frame, and a spider is introduced to build a web on the frame. 3 / 5 How many bones are there in the human body? 206 200 184 212 Next Question Wrong! Correct! The human body has 206 bones, which are connected by joints and muscles. These bones provide support and structure to the body, and they also protect the internal organs. 4 / 5 What is the tallest mountain in the U.S.? Mount Bear Mount McKinley Mount Saint Elias Mount Foraker Next Question Wrong! Correct! The tallest mountain in the U.S. is Denali (AKA Mount McKinley) in Alaska, at 20,320 ft. 5 / 5 What is the name of the Chinese dish made with stir-fried noodles, meat, and vegetables that is a staple of many Asian cuisines? Spring Roll General Tso's Chow Mein Kung Pao Wrong! Correct! Chow Mein is a popular Chinese dish made with stir-fried noodles, meat, and vegetables. The dish typically includes ingredients such as onions, cabbage, carrots, and bean sprouts, and can be served with a variety of sauces and spices. Chow Mein can be made with a variety of meats or vegetarian ingredients. Next Trivia Did You Know? Dogs were the first animal actually tamed by humans, over 20,000 years ago. As they evolved from wolves, over years of evolution and relationship to humans their skulls, teeth and paws shrank, and they became more docile and obedient. Related Topics: Advertisement 2 Comments 2 Comments anne September 19, 2023 at 9:46 pm love your easy stuff!!!! Reply Rebekah May 21, 2024 at 12:26 am I Love to have my memory challenged! Reply Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
September 19, 2023 at 9:46 pm
love your easy stuff!!!!
May 21, 2024 at 12:26 am
I Love to have my memory challenged!