General Can you build yourself a trophy out of this general trivia? Test you Trivia Nut knowledge here! Published 2 years ago on March 23, 2023 By Mike Peck 0% General Vol. 13 Tattoos are banned in which country? Iran Ireland Iraq Russia Next Question Wrong! Correct! In 2015, tattoos were outright banned in Iran along with artificial tans and spiked hair. What are rainbows that happen at night called? A "moonbow" A "darkbow" A "nightbow" Rainbows don't happen at night Next Question Wrong! Correct! "While they're incredibly unusual, moonbows (or lunar rainbows) are caused by the reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light, and tend to happen most often in places with waterfalls and mist. There also needs to be a near full moon for there to be enough light for you to see it." Which U.S. state has a law banning hunting on Sundays — except for raccoons? Alabama Virginia Georgia Texas Next Question Wrong! Correct! From USA Today "In Virginia, it's illegal to "hunt or kill any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species" on Sundays. However, it is permissible to kill raccoons." What was the length of the longest wedding veil ever worn? 12,300 feet 23,00 feet 230 feet 23,000 feet Next Question Wrong! Correct! The Guinness World Record for the longest wedding veil was 23,000 feet, which is about 63.5 football fields! Which country has a LEGO bridge you can walk across? Germany USA Netherlands Japan Wrong! Correct! The German town of Wuppertal is home to Lego-Brücke, also known as LEGO Bridge—a bridge that looks like it's made of candy-colored LEGO bricks, providing a foot- and bikeway for those looking to cross over the street below. Despite appearances, the bridge is not made of giant plastic bricks, however, but concrete, and it was painted to look like the popular building toys by street artist Martin Heuwold. Next Trivia Did You Know? The famous LEGO brick that we play with today was created more than 50 years ago. The bricks that were made way back in 1958 will still fit perfectly with those you play with today! Related Topics: Advertisement