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Which sport awards gold medals in both individual and team events at the Olympics?— Sports Trivia




Olympic History

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Which sport awards gold medals in both individual and team events at the Olympics?

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Who is the only athlete to have won gold medals at both the Summer and Winter Olympics?

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Which sport was removed from the Olympics after the 1920 Antwerp Games and reintroduced in 2016?

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Who became the first female Olympic gold medalist in track and field in 1928?

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Which country boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow?

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Which country hosted both the 1936 Summer and Winter Olympics?

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What is the name of the Olympic symbol featuring five interlocking rings?

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Which gymnast scored a perfect 10 at the 1976 Montreal Olympics?

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Who lit the Olympic flame at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics?

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In which year did the Winter Olympics begin?

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Which sport made its debut at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics?

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Which country has won the most overall Olympic medals?

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Who is the most decorated Olympian of all time?

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Which city hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics?

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In which year did the first modern Olympic Games take place?


Did You Know? The ancient Olympic Games, held in Olympia, Greece, were a festival of both athletic and religious significance. Dating back to 776 BC, these games were dedicated to the Greek god Zeus and held every four years. The competitions featured events like running, wrestling, boxing, and chariot racing, attracting athletes from various Greek city-states who competed for glory and olive wreaths. Remarkably, the ancient Olympics were more than just sports; they fostered a sense of unity among the Greek city-states and provided a platform for cultural exchange.

Fast forward to the modern era, did you know that the Olympic Games have been held in more than 20 countries since their revival in 1896? Initially organized by French educator Pierre de Coubertin, the modern Olympics aimed to promote peace and understanding among nations through sport. From the iconic first modern Olympics in Athens to the spectacular events in cities like Tokyo, London, and Rio de Janeiro, the Olympic Games continue to captivate global audiences, showcasing not only athletic prowess but also the spirit of unity and camaraderie among nations.

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