Which bird sings a wide variety of songs and even mimics other species? — Animals Trivia

Did you know that the male seahorse is the only animal in the world where the male, instead of the female, carries and gives birth to offspring?
In this remarkable reversal of reproductive roles, female seahorses transfer their eggs into the male’s brood pouch, located on his abdomen. The male then fertilizes the eggs internally and nurtures them for several weeks.
When the time comes, he goes into labor and delivers dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of tiny fully-formed seahorses. This unique adaptation not only strengthens the parental bond but also increases the survival rate of their young in the wild!
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Diane Johnson
June 26, 2024 at 2:30 am
A magpie is a BIRD not a mammal. It doesn’t produce milk or bear live young. It has feathers and flies.