In which U.S. state is it illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole?

Did you know that one of the earliest known surgeries in human history is trepanation, a procedure that involves drilling or scraping a hole into the human skull?
Archaeological evidence shows that this practice dates back over 7,000 years and was performed across various cultures worldwide, from ancient Peru and Greece to China and Africa.
While the exact reasons for trepanation remain somewhat unclear, many researchers believe it was used to treat conditions such as headaches, epilepsy, or mental disorders, possibly based on the belief that the procedure could release evil spirits trapped inside the skull.
Remarkably, evidence suggests that many individuals survived this primitive surgery, as shown by the growth of new bone around the edges of the trepanation site.
This fascinating glimpse into early medical practices highlights both the ingenuity and determination of our ancestors in their quest to understand and heal the human body.
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