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Can you avoid a broken bone and ace this trivia? Find out your health knowledge here!




Health Vol. 7

What is the name of the bone located at the base of the spine that helps protect the spinal cord?

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What is the smallest bone in the human body?

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What is the name of the bone in the arm that is commonly known as the "funny bone"?

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How many bones are in the human hand?

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What is the largest bone in the human body?

Did You Know? You might think that your nostrils share the work and both inhale and exhale together at the same time. And while they do, it’s not quite in the way that you might expect. You actually inhale and exhale through one nostril at a time, according to definitive research published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings in 1977. Every few hours, the active nostril will take a break and the other one will take over until they ultimately switch back again.
